
1989 ford f150 fuel pump driver module location
1989 ford f150 fuel pump driver module location

You don't have to spend any time testing them or any money replacing them.

1989 ford f150 fuel pump driver module location

  • That the PIP (Profile Ignition Pickup) sensor is OK.
  • That the ignition control module is OK.
  • Let's assume that you have already tested for spark and you observed one of the following spark test results:ĬASE 1: Spark was present in all of the cylinders A spark result, if you're using a dedicated spark tester, tells you that: The idea behind checking for spark is to see if all of the 8 engine cylinders are getting spark. So my recommendation is to test for spark right off the bat to see if spark is missing from the mix (air, fuel and spark). In my opinion (and in my experience), the most problematic area, when it comes to a cranks but does not start problem, is the ignition system.

    1989 ford f150 fuel pump driver module location